Understanding The Absolute Value In Excel


As you already know, Excel allows you to use multiple functions. One of the most popular functions that is used is the absolute value in excel.  Discover all you need to know about rounding numbers. What Is The Absolute Value In Excel? Simply put, the absolute value excel function returns the absolute value of a … Read more

How To Insert Multiple Rows In Excel


Working on an Excel spreadsheet certainly makes our lives easier. After all, it’s a great place to order your data and have a look at it at a glance. However, sometimes, when you are using Excel, you end up realizing that you need to add some rows of data. It may either be because you … Read more

How To Use The SUMIF Function In Excel


One of the most popular functions in Excel is the SUMIF function. After all, it allows you to perform a wide range of calculations in an easy and practical way instead of taking a lot of time if you were performing them by hand.  Discover everything you need to know about rounding numbers. What Is … Read more

How Excel Count Cells With Text


When you are working with data in Excel, sometimes you need to count cells that have text on it. In case you usually do his by hand since you’re not dealing with a lot of data, the reality is that Excel makes your life a lot easier when this happens.  Check out our simple rounding … Read more

Understanding The Excel VBA Round


As you probably already know, one of the main benefits of using Microsoft Excel is that it allows you to easily perform a wide range of calculations in a very simple way. So, today, we decided to take a closer look at the excel VBA round function.  Discover everything you need to know about rounding … Read more

How To Round Numbers Up In Excel


As you probably already know, sometimes you just need to round numbers. After all, they are not only easier to remember as they can make your math calculations a lot easier.  So, there are many different ways that you have to round numbers. You can simply use our Rounding Calculator, you can round the numbers … Read more